Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development


Moral development refers to the process through which individuals learn to distinguish between right and wrong and develop the capacity to make ethical decisions.

One of the most influential theories in this area was proposed by the American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg.

Kohlberg’s theory focuses on how individuals develop moral reasoning, or the thinking that occurs when deciding whether something is right or wrong.

The foundation of Kohlberg’s theory is the notion that moral reasoning, which forms the basis of ethical behavior, progresses through six distinct developmental phases.

The three levels that these stages fall into are

  • Pre-conventional
  • Conventional
  • Post-conventional

Every level signifies a significant change in a person’s moral philosophy. Each level is divided into 2 stages, therefore comprising a total of six stages.

Let us learn about these levels in detail.

Level 1: Pre-conventional Morality

Pre-conventional morality, the initial level, is primarily exhibited in youngsters, however it can also be seen in some adults. At this point, moral judgment is less about a larger concept of good and evil and more on one’s own interests and the results of one’s actions.

Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation

In the first stage, people’s main priority is staying out of trouble. They view laws as unchangeable and absolute, and they rely their moral judgments on the immediate results of their deeds.

At this age, a youngster may believe, “I won’t do it because if I get caught, I’ll be punished.” Here, staying out of trouble is more important than knowing why a particular conduct might be improper.

Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange

In Stage 2, the idea of self-interest is presented. Although people start to realize that other people can have needs and desires that are different from their own, but they still care more about meeting their own needs.

At this point, moral reasoning is based on the idea of reciprocity principle, which states, “If you do something good for me, I’ll do something good for you.” But the focus of this conversation remains on self-interest rather than any sense of obligation or duty to others.

Level 2: Conventional Morality

The second level, Conventional Morality, is typically associated with adolescents and adults. People internalize society norms and standards at this point. Their moral reasoning is predicated on upholding relationships and fitting in with social norms.

Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships

The “good boy/good girl” orientation is a common term used to describe Stage 3. People are driven at this point by a desire to be accepted by others and to keep their relationships going well.

The emphasis on being “nice” and meeting other people’s expectations is what defines moral reasoning. At this point, a person may consider, “I want people to think well of me, so I’ll live up to their expectations.”

Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order

A more comprehensive grasp of law and social order is represented by Stage 4. At this point, people are focused on preserving the rule of law, authority, and other social structures in order to keep society operating.

They think that in order to maintain social order, rules and laws must be obeyed and social stability must be ensured. At this point, someone can think, for instance, that “without laws, society would fall into chaos,” so it’s vital to observe them.

Level 3: Post-conventional Morality

A more abstract and principled view of morality defines the third stage, known as post-conventional morality. People at this level understand that moral judgments should be grounded on the concepts of fairness and human rights, and that laws and regulations may be interpreted in different ways.

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

People start to realize in Stage 5 that laws and regulations are subject to change if they are no longer in the best interests of the general public. The idea of a social contract, in which individuals consent to uphold the law for the good of society, serves as the foundation for moral reasoning.

They do acknowledge that an individual’s rights may occasionally take precedence over the law, though. At this point, someone may remark, for example, “We should change the law because it’s unfair to everyone, even though it says this.”

Stage 6: Universal Principles

According to Kohlberg’s thesis, stage 6 represents the peak of moral development. Right now, the abstract concepts of justice, equality, and respect for human dignity serve as the foundation for moral reasoning.

At this point, people follow their conscience and are prepared to question laws and social standards that they believe to be unfair. They think that morality should be followed universally, even if it means disobeying the law. At this point, a person can think, for instance, that “justice is more important than doing what is right, even if it goes against the law.”


Moral Development Level

Age Group


Preconventional Morality


Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment

Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange

Conventional Morality

Adolescent to Adulthood (10-24)

Stage 3:  Good Interpersonal Relationships

Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order

Postconventional Morality

Adults (24+)

Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights

Stage 6: Universal Principles

Application of Kohlberg’s Theory in Schools

Kohlberg’s theory can be implemented in the classroom by teachers in order to give more moral advice. Encouraging moral growth in kindergarten students can be achieved by establishing clear classroom norms and consequences for breaking them. Children in stage one moral development benefit from this.

A high school teacher might place more emphasis on the growth that takes place in stages three and four, which are related to forming positive interpersonal relationships and upholding societal order, respectively. To help the students understand the rationale behind the rules, it could be beneficial to involve them in creating the rules that need to be adhered to in the classroom.

Drawbacks of Kohlberg’s Theory

While Kohlberg’s theory has been highly influential, it has also faced drawbacks and criticisms.

  • Overemphasized on justice to the exclusion of other moral values such as care, compassion, and love.
  • Moral reasoning does not equate to moral behavior.
  • The theory is culturally biased and critics argue that Kohlberg’s stages are not universal and moral development can be influenced by cultural, social, and educational factors.
  • Critics suggest that the theory is also gender biased as Kohlberg believed that women tended to remain at the third level of moral development because they place a stronger emphasis on things such as social relationships and the welfare of others.


Kohlberg’s theory highlights the stages of moral development, from basic self-interest to advanced ethical principles. At Centre Point School, we strive to nurture both academic success and moral integrity in our students. By emphasizing character development alongside learning, we aim to shape individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethical, compassionate, and ready to make positive contributions to society. Our commitment is to guide students in becoming well-rounded, responsible citizens prepared for the challenges of the future.